Support Georgia Appaloosa
Donate Money
Financial Donations help GAHA host our annual show. Everything from Facility Rental, Judges Salaries, Support Staff, Ribbons, High Point Awards and more is covered by donations and member fundraising.
Donate Giveaway Items
We love to provide Welcome Bags to our exhibitors and welcome promotional items, coupons, and freebies from Small Businesses or Individuals! We also love to provide gifts for our Leadline Children and Riders with Special Needs!
The majority of our show staff works on a volunteer basis. We're always looking for additional help setting up trail poles and jump courses, organizing riders, and giving out awards. If you have time to spare, let us know!
Donate a Basket for our Silent Auction
Our Silent Auction is one of our biggest fundraisers. Let us know if you'd like to contribute and drop off your basket at the show!
Buy a Raffle Ticket
We are selling $5 tickets to win one of two $500 Harris Gift Certificates.
Buy tickets at our show or contact a member!
Join our Board or Officers!
Have a little extra time and want to help year round? Want to see GAHA offer more events? Let us know if you have an idea and the time to help implement it!